Education & Social Sciences

Education - Teacher Education Committee


Members of the Teacher Education Committee are comprised of:
  • the Chair of the Department of Education
  • the Director of Teacher Education
  • four to five faculty members representing two or more colleges with teacher licensure programs, seeking a balance in representation between all-grade, secondary and elementary
  • the Registrar or designee,
  • two students majoring in teacher education, representing two different licensing levels
  • if the chair of the department is also the director of teacher education, one additional representative from the Education Department will be appointed


The Director of Teacher Education shall act as chair of the Teacher Education Committee. 


Policy formation, advisory, external liaison, appellate jurisdiction
  1. to serve as liaison between the Manchester University faculty and the external licensing and accrediting agencies.
  2. to review as needed, at least every five years, all teaching certification patterns to determine their effectiveness in meeting:

(1) the needs of perspective teachers, 
(2) the graduation requirements of Manchester University, 
(3) the requirements of the certification bulletin of the State of Indiana, 
(4) the accreditation standards of appropriate accrediting organizations.

  1. to recommend policy regarding the teacher education program and teacher certification patterns.
  2. to make minor modifications in teacher certification patterns after consultation with the department(s) affected, within the guidelines established by Manchester University and the certification bulletin of the State of Indiana.
  3. to review recommendations from the director of teacher education regarding all candidates for admission to teacher education, student teaching and final certification. Student representatives will not function in this duty.
  4. to serve as an appellate body for students who have not been recommended by the director of teacher education. Student representatives will not function in this duty.
  5. to advise the director of teacher education.

Input and Output

  1. The committee may receive proposals from departments, divisions, and academic officers.
  2. The committee shall report to the faculty through the chair. Policy items may be brought to the faculty via the Executive Committee or forwarded to other committees.
  3. The committee shall process through the Academic Policies Committee all recommendations for adding and dropping teacher certification patterns, with final action to be taken by the faculty.
  4. The chair shall report promptly to the faculty minor modifications in teacher certification patterns.
  5. The committee shall submit a copy of the minutes to the chair of the Department of Education to keep the chair fully informed of committee action. The chair shall also submit a copy of the minutes, excluding executive sessions, for the file in the Office of Academic Affairs.
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